Celebrating Diversity Day 2024 and the results of the NBA diversity scan

Earlier, on October 1st, we at Reanda Netherlands celebrated Diversity Day at our office with our traditional Diversity Lunch. All our employees were invited to bring a dish from their own culture or a dish they’d like to share from a country they’ve lived in or just because they like it. We had a great time! As we employ people from over thirty nationalities who have lived in multiple countries, you can imagine that we’ve had a great feast with various meals to choose from.

diversity lunch reanda

Diversity Enriches

The motto of Diversity Day is “Diversity Enriches”. A value we wholeheartedly share as our diversity holds a distinctive power. We know: ‘we is better than me’. Our firm lives and breathes diversity with all our employees from different nationalities but we want to continue to make sure that our workplace is a safe and healthy workplace for everyone. That is why we signed the Diversity and Inclusion Covenant from the NBA (the professional body for accountants in the Netherlands).

Part of the covenant is to participate in a company scan where a firm shares information about how they are committed to diversity and inclusion within their firm. On Diversity Day, the NBA shared the results of this scan.

Reanda Netherlands is proud to be one of the frontrunners among the participating firms and we are honored to have been put in the spotlight. Reanda Netherlands employs more women than men and with our diverse cultural base of employees we continue to grow more diverse with every new employee. This is a great honor and it’s wonderful to know we are taking the right steps in making our workplace safe. As the NBA also states, it is not a competition. Every one of the participants is working on diversity in their own way and there is no number one firm in diversity. Still, we allow ourselves this small celebration and continue to reflect on our journey and upcoming steps with pride.

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